Happy Times :)

August is a bitter sweet month for me. It is my birth month ðŸŽ‚ & birth month of some more special people. This month has colors of friendship & brother sister love. But there is a lot of heart break attached to it too.  I will focus on the good especially on the writing front. We lose some we win some. Onward we go.

Since childhood my birthday has always been a very special day for me. I start waiting for my birthday from the very next day the current one ends. I have tried to always make it special and memorable for me. But most of them did not turn out as I wished n tried for.
But from past few years it comes with some sort of fear attached to it. It no more has the excitement it used to bring along. 

Wish to get the "LIFE" back in my life. 

It might need a lot of efforts and strength but ultimately,  I decided to write about all of it because I think we could all probably use a reminder to be kind to ourselves. I hope to write something that helps me do just that …

1. Don’t stay stagnant. You’re happiest when you can do your own thing. Start your blog, write your story … people will want to read it, don’t be scared. Work towards your own liking's and don't lose sight. 

2. Take your hobby class that is in wait list since forever, don’t be afraid of judgment, don’t be afraid of not being good enough. Learn, create, enjoy. 

3. Don’t stop writing – make time for you journal, write your blog. It makes you feel full and healthy. It helps you sort through your feelings. It’s when your voice is strongest. Write honestly and write for yourself.

4. Social media ...Please stop it. It’s not real. She’s probably not that pretty, he’s probably not that happy. It’s ok to feel hurt but don’t let it make you feel less than anyone. You have never settled. Don’t start now.

5. On that note. Don’t settle in any area of your life, you shouldn’t have to.

6. People who value you, they are everything. Keep them close. 

7. Be as kind to yourself as you are to everyone else. Talk to yourself like you would talk to your best friends.

8. Trust the timing of your life. Don’t compare it to anyone else’s (see #4).

9. Run/Walk/Swim/Do Yoga. It’s better than crying alone or having a drink.

10. Eat healthy, you never get sick when you do.

11.  Music. Make time to sit and listen.

12.  You always know when you’ve met a man who sets off sparks, so don’t force anything, trust your heart.

13. You’re valuable to your employers, to your friends, to your kids don’t take too much shit. When you have to, let it go quickly, it’s not a reflection of you.

14. Travel as much you can. Remember how much you love nature. Travel somewhere new as frequent as your wallet allows, where you can hike, swim and get sun. Also, watch more sunrises and sunsets. They help give you perspective.

15. Dog is one creature on this planet who can make you feel better no matter what. Get one to feel what the selfless love is. If things get especially dark, go home and cuddle with him.

16. Keep picturing your dreams. It’s fine to feel sad and lonely sometimes while you wait but keep the faith. 

17.Don’t judge yourself and don’t let anyone else judge you. Be safe and never turn off the emotional connection you have to anyone on this earth.

18. Trust a little more ... in the process, in others, in yourself. 

19. Never ever compromise on your self respect. People who value you will also take care of that. 

20. And at last its one life. give yourself reasons to smile. It might be difficult at times but still do not loose it.

Every sunrise is a fresh start ... 

I hope whoever reads this, feels inspired to start today with a little love for self.

I am loving getting older, I can see more clearly what connects and can weave stories of experience and apply them in life. the beginning of life might not have been that exciting but I wish the end is thrilling, exciting & adventurous enough.

Happy Times :)


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