Flowing like river..!!

A time comes when you know that you will never be and you can never be the same. We are all like time, which once gone is gone forever there can be a better or worse than what you have right now... but we will never get what is passed. 

I realize and sense the change in me too, have I started giving up on things and people and hopes or I have modestly started accepting the way things are..? Or I have started waiting for others to act now? .... even those ..from whom I have never even expected anything from....it is probably a time when I wish to sit back and wait for things to happen. I have always been a trailblazer all my life .... I wish to see life when I am nonchalant and relaxed... 

In the effort of coping up with life and trying to please everyone around ... what I end up doing is leaving myself and my life ignored ... in venture to keep all smiling and satisfied mostly leaves me in repulse... this discomfort of anyone else's sullenness and the energy exhausted by me in effort of reforming things is somewhere vanishing with time.I am loosing the capacity to endure each day.... this pressing feel is choking me inside... And there is no sign of solution to me....


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