Emotional Violence ... Even against Men..!!! Do we really Know?

Violence against women is talked about whether its physical, emotional, mental or sexual but wat about Men who suffer silently? It is easy to see some peoples visible injury, but what about those who are step by step destroyed with verbal and psychological abuse? Some things will never change, coz its fashionable to cry for violence against females. Though I fully agree the females need support ... but tilting the entire balance of law and society against the males is just killing a soul from words.Seeing this breed of men suffering and being the victim of emotional and verbal abuse is sad and equally disheartening as it is to see any woman suffer. A man just looking for peace at any price is becoming a prey and being held responsible for all those things which were not even intended ever. 

Some woman can actually create that sympathy and drama worldwide. The fear tactics are used to keep the Man under control. Society is a weapon for every such woman cos she knows where and when to use it. They play on his fears, sense of obligation and guilt to achieve their goals. The threat of suicide is the ultimate form of control. Usually they do not make serious attempts, it is just a mechanism to keep you in the relationship. But if they are successful then they will burden you with this horrible fact for rest of your life. 

They avoid taking any responsibility for their behavior. They blame others for all their problems generally the world at large. Anyone who is fond of abusing cannot express their frustration in a constructive manner. Drastic mood swings, sudden emotional out bursts for no sensible reason or giving inconsistent responses to same phenomena every time it occurs. This keeps the person bearing also this in state of vagueness. The irony is not knowing what to do and what to expect from such women. Hence, such behavior is widely proved demanding, anxiety provoking, frightening unsettling to one’s emotional health. 

Usually the target to such abuses fears of his own anger and of the abuser’s and it is so over powering that he tries to buy peace at any cost. The sufferer gets isolated from everyone who can help. The person will ultimately start looking for escape to avoid the regular scrutiny. The constant monitoring in public place and then questions asked when back or as soon as lone time is found ... it leads to all the emotional torture and cutting yourself off from all the other people. 

 The saddest part is that prey to such things are only Men who are caring, loving and attached enough to their grounds. The only mistake they do is keep others happiness before their owns and give a chance to misuse the emotional support and love over and over again. And being a MAN there is no due considerations for any cracks in the heart n soul. Since, they are meant to be rock solid for any given attack.

Such treatments are organized torture for any Man or even a Woman. When a Man is purposely isolated and confused from all possible support of his life.  To leave no other ray of hope n help and bring the person to his knees to make him feel he was wrong and the one was right...!!


Spot the mistreatment and understand emotional exploitation in time …



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